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Beautiful Idaho Sky

Where we all love the sky!

Soda Springs, Idaho

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Sunshine through clouds in Soda Springs, Idaho

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A Great Place to see a Geyser

Geyser next to flowers

Be sure to visit the beautiful natural geysers in Soda Springs, Idaho. The geyser rises at a height of 4,300 meters (13,780 feet). The climatic conditions and high altitude make the geyser a beautiful spectacle. Soda Springs is also the largest geyser field in Idaho and the third largest field in the world. Despite the annual icy cold weather many visitors take a dip in the hot springs. Be sure to visit the beautiful natural geysers in Soda Springs, Idaho. The geyser rises at a height of 4,300 meters (13,780 feet). The climatic conditions and high altitude make the geyser a beautiful spectacle. Soda Springs is also the largest geyser field in Idaho and the third largest field in the world. Despite the annual icy cold weather many visitors take a dip in the hot springs.