Beautiful Idaho Sky Logo

Beautiful Idaho Sky

Where we all love the sky!
Sky with clouds and lightning


We are weather enthusiasts in three towns of south-east Idaho! Find current weather condition data, stay in-the-loop with local news, see current weather stories and pictures, gather at the special bi-annual events, and participate in the bi-annual photo competition. Here at Beautiful Idaho Sky we inspire future scientists and photographers, and help build a tight-knit community.

News and Announcements

---Beloved local resident, Agnes Durland, reaches 100 years old!
Birthday celebration planned for April 24th at the East Idaho convention hall.
Bring a side dish to share.

---PRESTON, Idaho. - As temperatures plummeted below zero last Saturday night, officials at the National Weather Service say one city in southeast Idaho has set a new daily record low temperature. Officials say the 85-year-old record of 16 degrees below zero set back on January 22, 1936 was crushed by four degrees Saturday night. The new official record for the date of January 22 for the city is 20 degrees below zero. Despite the new record, Preston wasn’t the coldest city in the forecast area for the South East Idaho National Weather Service.

- - -Sign up for the photography competition coming soon!- - -